the outdoor classroom
This 14,000 square foot courtyard is the current hub of the Outdoor Education Program at Hollin Meadows Elementary School. During the recent renovation of the school, this space was equipped with at stainless steel cistern capable of holding 3,400 gallons of rainwater for the maintenance of the fully-enclosed area. Projects planned to develop the outdoor classroom during the 2018/2019 school year include:
addition of landscaping that includes native plant species and bird, butterfly and pollinator habitats;
development of a Sensory Garden comprised of native plant species and hands-on natural element stations that appeal to all 5 senses - a feature that will support our students with special needs in particular, but appeal to all,
installation of rain gardens surrounding the 3 drains in the courtyard - a 5th grade project for which materials and curriculum will be provided by the Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District;
installation of an outdoor science lab, including a weather station that will help to study climate, weather patterns and data collection;
development of a garden library with a catalog focused on Outdoor Education at each grade level'; and
inclusion of a designated teaching space with seating and an outdoor dry-erase board.
School and Community Volunteers work on the Outdoor Classroom during a “Second Sundays” work day.