history of the partnership
Since 2010, the Hollin Meadows Partnership has raised over $300,000 to provide critical financial support for experiential education at Hollin Meadows Elementary School - a Title I school in Alexandria, Virginia. Below is a timeline of some milestones.
2004 - Hollin Meadows parents initiate first school garden at HMES
2005-2006 - Classes begin grade-level curriculum planting
2006 - First Thanksgiving lettuce harvest
2007-2008 - Irrigation system installed and larger Community Garden established
2010 - Hollin Meadows Partnership for Science and Math Education is established to bridge the funding gap for STEM education.
2016 - Partnership and Garden go fallow during school re-construction.
2018 - HMES hires Outdoor Education Coordinator, Jessica Buchanan, to re-start the HMES Outdoor Education program.
2018 - Partnership is re-established as the Hollin Meadows Partnership for Outdoor Education